Project plan

Vision, mission, goals & outcomes


To create a society in which girls from the Untouchable caste are valued members and treated with dignity, humanity and respect.


Our mission is to create equal educational and employment opportunities for Untouchable girls. Students will not be discriminated in any way due to their caste or family background. The School will actively promote girls education in the community by building relations with local families.


  • Buy land for school campus, playground and community farm plot
  • Build classrooms and school campus
  • Teacher training which values open dialogue, equality and collaboration
  • Launch skills development program for economic self-sufficiency


  • Preventing child marriage, child trafficking, and child labor
  • Financial security for mothers of low caste girls and their families
  • Increased women’s representation in community and family decisions

The construction of the school building will serve multiple important purposes in the community. Each year, this area becomes flooded, and the families’ mud dwellings become dissolved. This leaves the families homeless for as much as 2 months each year. The school building will serve as a safe shelter for these families during this difficult and dangerous period.

Financial information

Land & building construction budgetCost in (euro €)
Land purchase 7,290 sq ft€ 142,000
Architectural Engineer designing fee€ 3,000
Construction material costs€ 120,000
Site Managers€ 2,800
Maintenance/materials/tools/equipment€ 9,400
Transportation costs€ 6,000
Government permit fees€ 2,000
Building plumbing system€ 22,000
Building electricity & solar system€ 25,000
Building phone system€ 1,200
Recycling & garbage system€ 1,000
Battery, inverter for electricity backup€ 5,000
Total land & construction costs€ 339,400

Operating budgetMonthly costsAnnual cost
Staff – Teacher/salary/school/administrator/ECC care-givers€ 4 500€ 54 000
Administration fee€ 200€ 2 400
School (tables, chairs, blackboards etc.)€ 10 000
ECC furnishings (changing tables, toys, beds etc.)€ 9 600
Website development/maintenance€ 1 000
Instruction fee€ 700€ 8 400
Support services€ 600€ 7 200
Supplies & materials€ 700€ 8 400
Office supplies€ 400€ 4 800
Instructional materials (computers etc.)€ 1 5 000
Equipment costs€ 10 800
School utilities€ 12 000
Expenditure per child (books, uniform, supplies etc.)€ 50€ 5 000
Advertising outreach€ 300
Health check-up & medication/child€ 100€ 1000
Food, meals & items for 200 children/day€ 1200€ 14,400
Total operating costs€ 56 250€ 116 500
Note: School equipment and furniture is a one-time cost

Other expensesCost in (euro €)
Airfare€ 1 500
Misc transportation€ 1500
Hotel/housing€ 600
Per diem€ 350
Total other costs€ 3 950

Total costs: € 459,850